How to reach the Hotel Cavour
The Hotel Cavour is situated in a strategic position in the heart of Bologna, just two steps from Piazza Maggiore, a few hundred meters from the central railway station of Bologna and close to the university area.
Here it is how to arrive at the hotel:
By car (from the highway)
- At the highway exit, take the beltway until exit N°7 Stalingrado;
- Follow Stalingrado/Strada Statale Porrettana/SS64 towards via Tiberio Fiorilli (550m);
- Take the left into Piazza di Porta Mascarella/SS9 (600m);
- Go ahead on Piazza di Porta S.Donato/SS9 (37m);
- Take the right into Piazza di porta S.Donato (85m). Keep on into Via Irnerio (700m);
- Take the left into Via Alessandrini (230m);
- Keep on into Via Guglielmo Oberdan (230m);
- Take the left into via Goito (190m).

We inform our kind guests that the historical city center of Bologna, bounded by boulevards, is closed to vehicular traffic every day from 07:00am to 8:00pm. For this reason, once you enter in the city center, to reach the hotel you will have to communicate your plate number to the reception or to the garage where you left your car. From that moment, your car will be allowed to circulate, up to your departure, all over the city center, excluding the ”T-Zone“(Via Indipendenza, Via Ugo Bassi, Via Rizzoli).
We will communicate your details to the competent authority.
From the train station
- From Piazza delle Medaglie d'Oro take the left into strada Statale Porrettana/Viale Pietro Pietramellara (150m);
- Take the right into Piazza XX Settembre (160m).
- Continue on Via dell'Indipendenza (750m);
- Take the left into Via Goito (35m).
From the airport
- The International airport Guglielmo Marconi (BLQ) is about 8 km far from the city center. The hotel is well connected to the airport by the airport shuttle bus named ”BLQ“ (bus stop at the entrance of the airport ”ARRIVALS“, tickets can be bought on board), or by taxi.